Do LED Lights Get Hot When in Use?

If you're considering upgrading to LED lights, you're probably wondering whether they get hot. After all, many older light bulbs are known to give off a great deal of heat when in use. LEDs do get hot but not nearly as hot as incandescent lights, which can reach up to 446 degrees Fahrenheit (230 degrees Celsius) under normal use conditions. LEDs produce heat out the back end of the bulb through a process called thermal conduction, which cools down the light in the form of infrared radiation and convection. Because LEDs don't emit much heat from their faces and conduct most of it into cooling materials, they can be safely touched with bare hands even after being on for hours. The answer to "Do LED lights get hot?" is definitely yes—but thanks to new technology and energy-saving practices, LEDs aren't nearly as dangerous as incandescent lights used to be. The heat from an LED bulb is transmitted to the heat sink through a combination of conduction and convection...